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Order No. Author Short Title Price (UK£)
Remove NSBK-C65 Stocks, Mary Still More Commonplace: £4.99
Remove NSBK-A11637 Gostelow, Mary Mary Gostelow's Embroidery Book: £9.00
Remove NSBK-C8343 Hobman, D. L Go Spin You Jade: Studies in the Emancipation of Women £10.00
Remove NSBK-C15483 St Helier, Lady Mary Jeune Memories of Fifty Years: £25.00
Remove NSBK-C7639 Trollope, Joanna Britannia's Daughters: Women of the British Empire £6.00
Remove NSBK-C10890 Sancton, Thomas and MacLeod, Scott Death of a Princess: £5.00
Remove NSBK-J13874 Taylor, Peter J Political Geography: World Economy, Nation-state and Locality £9.00
Remove NSBK-A15636 Debenham, Clare Life and Death in Higher Education: a Political and Social Analysis of British Colleges of Education £27.95
Remove NSBK-A15511 Hopkinson, Michael Green Against Green: The Irish Civil War £12.50
Remove NSBK-C15589 Todd, Janet Gender, Art and Death: £4.00
Remove NSBK-B1991 Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy Love, Death and Money in the Pays d'Oc: £8.00
Remove NSBK-A15613 McCarthy, Helen The British People and the League of Nations: Democracy, Citizenship and Internationalism, c.1918 - 45 £35.00
Remove NSBK-A8433 Urwin, Derek W Western Europe since 1945: A Political History £4.00
Remove NSBK-C9425 Tomalin, Claire The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft: £4.25
Remove NSBK-A15405 Hotson, J. Leslie The Death of Christopher Marlowe: £38.00
Remove NSBK-C1188 Trollope, Joanna Britannia's Daughters: Women of the British Empire £6.00
Remove NSBK-A14563 Redclift, Nanneke and Sinclair, M. Thea Working Women: International Perspectives on Labour and Gender Ideology £9.99
Remove NSBK-C4152 Roberts, Elizabeth A Woman's Place: an Oral History of Working-Class Women, 1890-1940 £13.99
Remove NSBK-C15113 Liverpool Women's History, Second Chance to Learn Group Women's Work on the Waterfront, 1916 - 1987: £12.00
Remove NSBK-A10211 Clarke, Deborah Women at Work: The Essential Guide for the Working Woman £4.00
Remove NSBK-C3995 Young, James D Women and Popular Struggles: A History of Scottish and English Working-Class Women, 1500-1984 £10.00
Remove NSBK-C10965 McCourt, Kathleen Working-Class Women and Grass Roots Politics: £6.00
Remove NSBK-C10502 Holcombe, Lee Victorian Ladies at Work: Middle-Class Working Women in England and Wales, 1850 - 1914 £16.00
Remove NSBK-C13181 Davidson, Marilyn J. and Cooper, Cary, L., ed Working Women: An International Survey £20.00
Remove NSBK-C6631 Clark, Alice Working Life of Women in the Seventeenth Century: £7.00
Remove NSBK-C14864 Nelson, Lucy The Physician's Daughters: or, the Spring-time of Woman. A Tale £30.00
Remove NSBK-C3402 Ostrogorski, M The Rights of Woman: A Comparative Study in History and Legislation £7.00
Remove NSBK-A9538 Evans, George Ewart Spoken History: £5.00
Remove NSBK-A10120 Gmelch, George and Saddlemyer, Ann J. M. Synge: In Wicklow, West Kerry and Connemara £16.00
Remove NSBK-C15122 Westermarck, Edward The History of Human Marriage: £20.00
Remove NSBK-C15385 Haire, Norman Hymen or the Future of Marriage: £19.00
Remove NSBK-A1574 Hutton, Sean & Stewart, Paul, eds Ireland's Histories: Aspects of State, Society and Ideology £7.00
Remove NSBK-C4262 Mackenzie, Norman & Jeanne, eds The Diary of Beatrice Webb: Volume I: 1873 - 1892. Glitter Around and Darkness Within £5.00
Remove NSBK-A11980 Levine, David Reproducing Families: The Political Economy of English Population Studies £22.00
Remove NSBK-C14738 Walker, Carole A Saviour of Living Cargoes: the Life and Work of Caroline Chisholm £9.00
Remove NSBK-A13980 Vigne, Thea, ed Oral History: the Journal of the Oral History Society. Family History Issue £9.00
Remove NSBK-J12087 Trevelyan, Sir Charles Wallington: Its History and Treasures £5.00
Remove NSBK-C14978 Eggins, Heather, ed Women as Leaders and Managers in Higher Education: £11.99
Remove NSBK-C8975 Mason, Michael The Making of Victorian Sexual Attitudes: £11.50
Remove NSBK-C2050 Manvell, Roger The Trial of Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh: £6.00
Remove NSBK-A15054 Anon, Sir Charles Holmes: £6.00
Remove NSBK-G12272 Wollaston, Charles Silkscreen in Schools: £8.00
Remove NSBK-A15807 Dickens, Charles Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dickens: His Letters To Her. Edited With Notes By Walter Dexter. With A Foreword By Their Daughter, Kate Perugini £26.00
Remove NSBK-C5952 Webb, Mary Precious Bane: £4.99
Remove NSBK-C1541 Jackson, Brian & Marsden, Dennis Education and the Working Class: Some General Themes Raised by a Study of 88 Working-Class Children in a Northern Industrial City £5.00
Remove NSBK-A12540 Worthen, John D.H. Lawrence: The Early Years 1885-1912 £9.00
Remove NSBK-C6431 Hill, Octavia Our Common Land: £120.00
Remove NSBK-C6430 Hill, Octavia House Property and its Management: Some Papers on the Methods of Management Introduced by Miss Octavia Hill and Adapted to Modern Conditions £30.00
Remove NSBK-C3221 Clough, Blanche Athena A Memoir of Anne Jemima Clough: First Principal of Newnham College Cambridge £25.00
Remove NSBK-A8853 Henderson, Philip Swinburne: The Portrait of a Poet £6.00
Remove NSBK-A13607 Humphries, Stephen Hooligans or Rebels: An Oral History of Working-Class Childhood and Youth,1889-1939 £27.00
Remove NSBK-A8079 Sanderson, Michael, ed The Universities in the Nineteenth Century: £7.00
Remove NSBK-A8176 Mansbridge, Albert The Older Universities of England: Oxford and Cambridge £9.00
Remove NSBK-C12787 Malmgreen, Gail Neither Bread nor Roses: Utopian Feminists and the English Working Class, 1800-1850 £14.00
Remove NSBK-A12530 Pottle, Frederick, ed Boswell in Holland, 1763-1764: Including his Correspondence with Belle de Zuylen (Zelide) £10.00
Remove NSBK-C500 Stephen, Barbara Girton College, 1869-1932: £24.00
Remove NSBK-A5313 Clark, Peter, ed The Early Modern Town: A Reader £8.00
Remove NSBK-A5301 Davis, Terence Tunbridge Wells: The Gentle Aspect £5.00
Remove NSBK-A1321 Leventhal, F.M Respectable Radical: George Howell and Victorian Working-Class Politics £6.00
Remove NSBK-A13392 Allen, Rick The Moving Pageant: Literary Sourcebook on London Street Life, 1700 - 1914 £10.00
Remove NSBK-A15157 National Union of Teachers, Oxford 1935: a Souvenir of the World Educational Conferences £10.00
Remove NSBK-A450 Keating, P.J., ed Working-class Stories of the 1890s: £9.00
Remove NSBK-C5736 West, Rebecca Sunflower: £8.50
Remove NSBK-A13130 Working Man's Friend Periodical, The Working Man's Friend and Family Instructor: £24.00
Remove NSBK-A5407 White, Andrew The Buildings of Georgian Lancaster: £6.75
Remove NSBK-C13723 Suffragettes, DVD format The Suffragettes: the Story of Emmeline Pankhurst £10.99
Remove NSBK-C15003 Suffragettes, Reproduction Votes for Women Badge: Votes for Women Circle £9.99
Remove NSBK-C13689 Hamilton, Mary Agnes Newnham: An Informal Biography £10.00
Remove NSBK-A5981 Beller, Steven Herzl: £3.00
Remove NSBK-C13651 Yalom, Marilyn A History of the Wife: £22.00
Remove NSBK-A12473 Hakim, Catherine Social Change and Innovation in the Labour Market: £14.00
Remove NSBK-A9394 Tranter, Neil Population Since the Industrial Revolution: The Case of England and Wales £7.00
Remove NSBK-A10464 Feinstein, Charles, ed The Managed Economy: Essays in British Economic Policy and Performance since 1929 £4.00
Remove NSBK-A14165 Edwards, Owen Dudley Eamon De Valera: £11.99
Remove NSBK-C12472 George, Vic and Miller, Stewart Social Policy Towards 2000: Squaring the Welfare Circle £3.00
Remove NSBK-C10598 The Labour Party, Discrimination Against Women: Report of a Labour Party Study Group £6.00
Remove NSBK-C15750 Poor Law Commissioners, Reports of Special Assistant Poor Law Commissioners: on the Employment of Women and Children in Agriculture, 1843 £28.95
Remove NSBK-A15276 Perry, Matt Prisoners of Want: The Experience and Protest of the Unemployed in France, 1931-45 (Studies in Labour History) £35.00
Remove NSBK-A10815 University of Wales Press Board, They Look at Wales: £7.00
Remove NSBK-C7834 Pahl, R. E Divisions of Labour: £16.99
Remove NSBK-A10722 Labour History Journal, North West Labour History Journal: No 27: The North in the '70s £5.00
Remove NSBK-C7054 Aitken-Swan, Jean Widows in Australia: A Survey of the Economic and Social Condition of Widows with Dependent Children £5.00
Remove NSBK-A15131 Wright, Thomas The Romance of the Lace Pillow: Being The History Of Lace-Making In Bucks, Beds, Northants And Neighbouring Counties, Together With Some Account Of The Lace Industries of Devon And Ireland £16.00
Remove NSBK-C4253 Lambert, Sharon Irish Women in Lancashire, 1922-1960: their Story £6.00
Remove NSBK-C7234 Wojtczak, Helena Women of Victorian Sussex: their Status, Occupations,and Dealings With The Law, 1830-1870 £9.00
Remove NSBK-A15018 Joyce, P.W. ed Ballads of Irish Chivalry: £16.00
Remove NSBK-A11233 Neu, Charles E The Troubled Encounter: The United States and Japan £12.00

Subtotal - £1168.31

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