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Order No. Author Short Title Price (UK£)
Remove NSBK-C8808 Women's Social and Political Union, Replica Badge (Suffragettes) Sowing the Seeds of Suffrage: Modern Reproduction Suffragette Badge in Enamel £13.50
Remove NSBK-A15527 George, M. Dorothy English Political Caricature to 1792: A Study of Opinion and Propaganda £48.00
Remove NSBK-A1588 Pollard, Sidney, ed The Gold Standard and Employment Policies Between the Wars: £4.00
Remove NSBK-C13489 Folbre, Nancy, et al eds Women's Work in the World Economy: £8.00
Remove NSBK-C831 Rendall, Jane The Origins of Modern Feminism: Women in Britain, France and the United States, 1780-1860 £11.00
Remove NSBK-A12567 Issel, William Social Change in the United States, 1945-1983: £8.00
Remove NSBK-A10345 Wheeler, Wendy The Political Subject: Essays on the Self from Art, Politics and Science £7.50
Remove NSBK-A10177 Royal Historical Society, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: 2003 £7.00
Remove NSBK-A4594 Cobbett, William Journal of a Year's Residence in the United States of America: £8.00
Remove NSBK-C15506 Benn, Melissa What Should We Tell Our Daughters: The Pleasures and Pressures of Growing Up Female £12.00
Remove NSBK-A12295 Royal Historical Society, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: £13.00
Remove NSBK-C8261 Robbins, Keith The Eclipse of a Great Power: Modern Britain, 1870-1975 £14.00
Remove NSBK-A9517 Stock, Catherine McNichol and Johnston, R., eds The Countryside in the Age of the Modern State: Political Histories of Rural America £12.00
Remove NSBK-C6123 Francis, Richard Ann the Word: The Story of Ann Lee: Female Messiah, Mother of the Shakers, The Woman Clothed with the Sun £2.00
Remove NSBK-A10381 Hunter, L.C. and Robertson, D. J Economics of Wages and Labour: £10.00
Remove NSBK-A14304 Society of Chemical Industry, Annual Meeting Held At Liverpool, July 1936: City of Liverpool Official Handbook £9.00
Remove NSBK-A10179 Political and Economic Planning (PEP), Industrial Trade Associations: Activities and Organisation £9.50
Remove NSBK-C8954 Enamel Reproduction Suffragette Badge, WSPU Loyal Service 1913 Women's Social and Political Union, Modern Replica Badge: Loyal Service, WSPU, 1913. Deeds Not Words £13.50
Remove NSBK-A1031 Journal, International Review of Social History: £3.00
Remove NSBK-A13023 Royal Historical Society, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: XIV £13.00
Remove NSBK-A11943 Dow, J.C.R The Management of the British Economy, 1945-60: £9.99
Remove NSBK-A2343 Debo, Angie A History of the Indians of the United States: £8.00
Remove NSBK-A8666 Allen, Sheila and Wolkowitz, Carol Homeworking: Myths and Realities £5.50
Remove NSBK-A4346 Jones, Stephen G Workers at Play: a Social and Economic History of Leisure, 1918 - 1939 £6.00
Remove NSBK-A7688 Royal Commission on Equal Pay, Royal Commission on Equal Pay: 1944 - 46 Report £7.00
Remove NSBK-A3294 Crouzet, Francois, ed Capital Formation in the Industrial Revolution: £7.00
Remove NSBK-C6951 Fawcett, Millicent Garrett Political Economy for Beginners: £7.00
Remove NSBK-A14154 Deem, Rosemary Work, Unemployment and Leisure: £8.00
Remove NSBK-C2419 Cott, Nancy F.; Boydston, J.; Braude, A., eds Root of Bitterness: Documents of the Social History of American Women £7.00
Remove NSBK-A10165 Royal Historical Society, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: 2000 £7.00
Remove NSBK-C14002 Stodart, M. A Principles of Education Practically Considered: with an Especial Reference to the Present State of Female Education in England £28.00
Remove NSBK-A8376 Artis, M. J., ed Prest and Coppock's The UK Economy: A Manual of Applied Economics £2.00
Remove NSBK-C4077 Firmager, Gabrielle M., ed Eliza Haywood: the Female Spectator: Selections £8.99
Remove NSBK-A14859 Kay, John, ed The 1982 Budget: £7.00
Remove NSBK-A4557 Binder, F. M., and Reimers, D. M The Way We Lived: Essays and Documents in American Social History £5.00
Remove NSBK-A15218 Jones, I. G. and Williams, G Social Policy, Crime and Punishment: Essays in Memory of Jane Morgan £8.00
Remove NSBK-A7303 Patten, John, ed Pre-Industrial England: Geographical Essays £7.00
Remove NSBK-B3288 Burke, Peter, ed Economy and Society in Early Modern Europe: Essays from Annales £12.00
Remove NSBK-C15460 Shipton, Elisabeth Female Tommies: the Frontline Women of the First World War £9.45
Remove NSBK-A10653 Historic Society of Lancashire and Ches, Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire: £6.75
Remove NSBK-C9990 Warner, Marina Joan of Arc: The Image of Female Heroism £6.00
Remove NSBK-C12659 Paul, Nanette B The Great Woman Statesman: £10.00
Remove NSBK-A10789 Armytage, W. H. G A Social History of Engineering: £4.00
Remove NSBK-A13565 Stearns, Peter N., ed Expanding the Past: A Reader in Social History £12.00
Remove NSBK-A10465 Guenault, Paul H and Jackson, J. M The Control of Monopoly in the United Kingdom: £6.00
Remove NSBK-A8095 Kay, Joseph The Social Condition and Education of the People in England and Europe: Shewing the Results of the Primary Schools, and of the Division of Landed Property, in Foreign Countries £10.00
Remove NSBK-A11233 Neu, Charles E The Troubled Encounter: The United States and Japan £12.00
Remove NSBK-A7069 Griffin, Alan R The Miners of Nottinghamshire, 1914-1944: A History of the Nottinghamshire Miners' Unions £8.00
Remove NSBK-C2138 Rowbotham, Sheila A Century of Women: the History of Women in Britain and the United States £9.99
Remove NSBK-C2820 Rai, S, Pilkington, H, Phizacklea, A, eds Women in the Face of Change: The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and China £7.99
Remove NSBK-C8966 Suffragette Embroidered Iron-on Patches, Three WSPU Embroidered Iron-On Patches: Attractive Cloth Patches in Purple, White and Green, Featuring a Women's Social and Political Union Embroidered Insignia £7.00
Remove NSBK-C12432 Shanley, Mary Lyndon and Narayan, Uma, eds Reconstucting Political Theory: Feminist Perspectives £15.00
Remove NSBK-A9730 Brown, Philip and Sparks, Richard, eds Beyond Thatcherism: Social Policy, Politics and Society £6.50
Remove NSBK-C15415 Reproduction Suffragette Badge / Brooch, Votes for Women Suffragette Chains - Modern Replica Suffragette Badge / Brooch: WSPU £9.50
Remove NSBK-A9633 Ward, J.T Chartism: £6.99
Remove NSBK-C9597 Rinehart, Sue Tolleson Gender Consciousness and Politics: £6.00
Remove NSBK-A11947 Maclean, Catherine Macdonald Born Under Saturn: A Biography of William Hazlitt £4.00
Remove NSBK-A12953 Dimbleby, David and Reynolds, David Oceans Apart: The Relationship Between Britain and America in the Twentieth Century £12.00
Remove NSBK-A12724 Coates, Ken The Crisis of British Socialism: Essays on the Rise Harold Wilson and the Fall of the Labour Party £4.00
Remove NSBK-A8922 Mitchell, David The Fighting Pankhursts: A Study in Tenacity £7.00
Remove NSBK-A11419 Women's Studies International Forum, Women's Studies International Forum: £18.00
Remove NSBK-C389 Bristol Women's Studies Group, Half the Sky: an Introduction to Women's Studies £4.00
Remove NSBK-A3931 Lindley, Keith, and Scott, David, eds The Journal of Thomas Juxon, 1644-1647: £9.00
Remove NSBK-C13167 Malone, Carolyn Women's Bodies and Dangerous Trades in England, 1880-1914: £32.00
Remove NSBK-C15420 Beaumont, Caitriona Housewives and Citizens: Domesticity and the Women's Movement in England, 1928-64 £29.95
Remove NSBK-C9537 Women's Studies Collective, Hunter College Women's Realities, Women's Choices: An Introduction to Women's Studies £7.50
Remove NSBK-C13629 Anderson, Bonnie S Joyous Greetings: The First International Women's Movement, 1830-1860 £5.00
Remove NSBK-A14634 Bieler, Andreas The Struggle for a Social Europe: Trade Unions and EMU in Times of Global Restructuring £17.50
Remove NSBK-C1620 Paulson, Ross Evans Liberty, Equality and Justice: Civil Rights, Women's Rights and the Regulation of Business, 1865-1932 £6.00
Remove NSBK-A12735 Zentner, Peter Social Democracy in Britain: Must Labour Lose? £7.00
Remove NSBK-A15806 Avineri, Shlomo The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx: £12.00
Remove NSBK-C14460 Summerfield, Penny Reconstructing Women's Wartime Lives: £20.00
Remove NSBK-C5190 Women's Freedom League, Report of the Annual Conference, February 1908: and Balance Sheet, Oct. - Dec. 1907 £5.99
Remove NSBK-C13723 Suffragettes, DVD format The Suffragettes: the Story of Emmeline Pankhurst £10.99
Remove NSBK-C2646 Alonso, Harriet Hyman The Women's Peace Union and the Outlawry of War, 1921-1942: £5.00
Remove NSBK-A6073 Finer, S. E Anonymous Empire: A Study of the Lobby in Great Britain £5.00
Remove NSBK-A13957 Clarke, Fred John Quincy Adams: £7.00
Remove NSBK-A9682 Lassman, Peter, ed Politics and Social Theory: £5.00
Remove NSBK-A11401 Histoire Sociale, Social History Histoire Sociale: Social History £30.00
Remove NSBK-C15568 Portrayer Reproductions, Replica Rectangular Votes for Women Suffragette Badge: £13.50
Remove NSBK-C4185 Mitchell, David The Pankhursts: £10.00
Remove NSBK-C8753 Three Modern Pankhurst Badges, The Pankhursts: Photographic Images of Emmeline, Christabel and Sylvia Pankhurst on Three Attractive Plated Badges £12.50
Remove NSBK-A814 Bamford, Samuel Passages in the Life of a Radical: £4.00
Remove NSBK-A13329 Caulton, T. J., ed Children of the Industrial Revolution in Sheffield: £12.00
Remove NSBK-A12593 Holroyd, Michael The Genius of Shaw: A Symposium £12.00
Remove NSBK-A1321 Leventhal, F.M Respectable Radical: George Howell and Victorian Working-Class Politics £6.00
Remove NSBK-A4420 Fraser, Derek The Evolution of the British Welfare State: A History of Social Policy Since the Industrial Revolution £4.00
Remove NSBK-A2991 Sutherland, Gillian Elementary Education in the Nineteenth Century: £5.99
Remove NSBK-C13437 Manton, Jo Mary Carpenter and the Children of the Streets: £8.00
Remove NSBK-A10168 Skopp, Douglas Richard The Mission of the Volksschule: Political Tendencies in German Primary Education, 1840-1870 £10.00
Remove NSBK-A12067 Simmons, Jack Parish and Empire: Studies and Sketches £7.00
Remove NSBK-A10367 Stringer, Peter and Robinson, Gillian, eds Social Attitudes in Northern Ireland: First Report, 1990-1991 £11.99
Remove NSBK-A8755 James, Louis Fiction for the Working Man, 1830 - 50: A Study of the Literature Produced for the Working Classes in Early Victorian Urban England £8.00
Remove NSBK-A2320 Walton, John K. & Walvin, James, eds Leisure in Britain, 1780-1939: £32.00
Remove NSBK-A4649 King, Steven A Fylde Country Practice: Medicine and Society in Lancashire, c.1760-1840 £10.00
Remove NSBK-A3735 Metcalfe, Jean Sunnylea: a 1920s Childhood Remembered £4.00
Remove NSBK-A1964 Simon, John Three Speeches on the General Strike: £5.00
Remove NSBK-C3402 Ostrogorski, M The Rights of Woman: A Comparative Study in History and Legislation £7.00
Remove NSBK-C12663 Murrell, Christine M Womanhood and Health: £48.00
Remove NSBK-A9141 Borrow, George The Romany Rye: £5.00
Remove NSBK-A4480 Holderness, B. A Pre-Industrial England: Economy and Society from 1500 to 1750 £8.00
Remove NSBK-C15572 Bruley, Susan Leninism, Stalinism, and the Women's Movement in Britain,1920 - 1939: £42.00
Remove NSBK-A8079 Sanderson, Michael, ed The Universities in the Nineteenth Century: £7.00
Remove NSBK-C4709 Strachey, Ray Women's Suffrage and Women's Service: the History of the London and National Society for Women's Service £85.00
Remove NSBK-A7186 Anderson, Michael Approaches to the History of the Western Family, 1500-1914: £2.00
Remove NSBK-C15297 Robertson, Emma Chocolate, Women and Empire: a Social and Cultural History £38.00
Remove NSBK-C15113 Liverpool Women's History, Second Chance to Learn Group Women's Work on the Waterfront, 1916 - 1987: £12.00
Remove NSBK-A13521 Goodman, Dave No Thanks to Lloyd George: The Forgotten Story - How the Old Age Pension Was Won £6.00
Remove NSBK-C12399 Himmelfarb, Gertrude Marriage and Morals Among the Victorians: and Other Essays £11.00
Remove NSBK-A14357 Einhorn, Barbara Cinderella Goes to Market: Citizenship, Gender and Women's Movements in East Central Europe £8.00

Subtotal - £1248.56

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