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Order No. Author Short Title Price (UK£)
Remove NSBK-A5491 Blatchford, Robert Not Guilty: a Defence of the Bottom Dog £17.00
Remove NSBK-A5663 Dundee Municipal Statutes, Dundee Municipal Statutes: Being Acts of Parliament Administered by the Corporation of Dundee Relating to The Town Council as Such, and also as Coming in Place of the Commissioners of Police; and Including Recent Amendment of Acts (Separately Printed) of Dundee Gas and Dundee Water Commissioners, 1872-1898 £26.00
Remove NSBK-C13039 Hughes, Kathryn The Victorian Governess: £15.00
Remove NSBK-A298 Priestley, Philip Victorian Prison Lives: English Prison Biography, 1830-1914 £10.00
Remove NSBK-C12330 Riley, Glenda Divorce: An American Tradition £6.00
Remove NSBK-A8082 Midwinter, E. C Social Administation in Lancashire, 1830-1860: Poor Law, Public Health and Police £8.00
Remove NSBK-A14074 Corporation of Nottingham, Records of the Borough of Nottingham: Being a Series of Extracts from the Archives of the Corporation of Nottingham. Vol IX. 1836 - 1900 £25.00
Remove NSBK-C15557 Reproduction Suffragette Badge / Brooch, The Portcullis: The WSPU Holloway Badge / Brooch £13.50
Remove NSBK-A11487 Winstanley, Michael Gladstone and the Liberal Party: £5.00
Remove NSBK-C893 Weeks, Jeffrey Sex, Politics and Society: the Regulation of Sexuality Since 1800 £5.99
Remove NSBK-A1434 Moore, James R., ed Religion in Victorian Britain: Vol III: Sources £11.99
Remove NSBK-A13887 Yeo, Geoffrey, ed The British Overseas: A Guide to Records of their Births, Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths and Burials, Available in the United Kingdom £17.99
Remove NSBK-A15225 Glendinning, Caroline and Miller, Jane, eds Women and Poverty in Britain: £8.00
Remove NSBK-A14142 Matthews, Kent and Benjamin, Dan US and UK Unemployment Between the Wars: A Doleful Story £9.00
Remove NSBK-A2346 Meriam, Adele Stuart The Stepfather in the Family: £9.00
Remove NSBK-A9824 National Institute, Economic and Social Research The UK Economy: £5.00
Remove NSBK-A1520 Ministry of Education, Health Education: A Handbook of Suggestions for the Consideration of Teachers and Others Concerned in the Health and Education of Children and Young People £7.00
Remove NSBK-C12604 Dunbar, Janet The Early Victorian Woman: Some Aspects of her Life (1837-57) £9.50
Remove NSBK-A13927 Tobias, J. J Nineteenth-Century Crime: Prevention and Punishment £7.00
Remove NSBK-A13511 Scottish Education Department, Ministry of Transport Report: of the Scottish Inter-Departmental Committee on Road Safety among School Children £26.00
Remove NSBK-A8224 Perry, P.J A Geography of 19th-Century Britain: £6.00
Remove NSBK-C9537 Women's Studies Collective, Hunter College Women's Realities, Women's Choices: An Introduction to Women's Studies £7.50
Remove NSBK-C10095 Central Office of Information, Women in Britain: £4.00
Remove NSBK-C5334 Fawcett, Millicent and Turner, E. M Josephine Butler: her Work and Principles and their Meaning for the Twentieth Century £12.00
Remove NSBK-C6877 Suffragette Poster, Torturing Women in Prison: Vote Against the Government £12.99
Remove NSBK-C12490 Percival, Alicia C The English Miss Today and Yesterday: Ideals, Methods and Personalities in the Education and Upbringing of Girls During the Last Hundred Years £10.00
Remove NSBK-A5154 Coates, Ken and Silburn, Richard Poverty: The Forgotten Englishmen: £2.50
Remove NSBK-C15097 Committee of Council on Education, Minutes of the Committee of Council on Education, With Appendices. 1840 - 41: £45.00
Remove NSBK-A11708 Hall, Michael Leaving Home: £8.00
Remove NSBK-C14485 Pack of 10 Suffragette Greetings Cards, Torturing Women in Prison: Vote Against the Government £9.99
Remove NSBK-C6302 Cobbe, Frances Power Criminals, Idiots, Women and Minors: Is the Classification Sound? A Discussion on the Laws Concerning the Property of Married Women £6.00
Remove NSBK-C4052 Murphy, Teresa Anne Ten Hours' Labor: Religion, Reform, and Gender in Early New England £6.00
Remove NSBK-A13141 Supple, Barry E., ed The Experience of Economic Growth: Case Studies in Economic History £20.00
Remove NSBK-A7967 Lyons, Lewis The History of Punishment: £6.00
Remove NSBK-A11401 Histoire Sociale, Social History Histoire Sociale: Social History £30.00
Remove NSBK-A14539 Phillips, C. B. and Smith, J. H, editors Stockport Probate Records, 1620 - 1650: £15.00
Remove NSBK-A13541 Marsden, Geoffrey, ed Victorian Values: Personalities and Perspectives in Nineteenth- Century Society £8.00
Remove NSBK-A6579 Forbes, Robert Sixty Years of Medical Defence: £4.00
Remove NSBK-C6304 Butler, Josephine E Some Thoughts on the Present Aspect of the Crusade: Against the State Regulation Of Vice £7.50
Remove NSBK-A1865 Borowitz, Albert The Thurtell-Hunt Murder Case: £9.00
Remove NSBK-A12202 Monsarrat, Ann An Uneasy Victorian: Thackeray the Man, 1811-1863 £6.00
Remove NSBK-A13168 Bailey, Victor Delinquency and Citizenship: Reclaiming the Young Offender, 1914-48 £45.00
Remove NSBK-A13822 Miliband, Marion, ed The Observer of the Nineteenth Century: £8.00
Remove NSBK-A4346 Jones, Stephen G Workers at Play: a Social and Economic History of Leisure, 1918 - 1939 £6.00
Remove NSBK-A12045 Irvine, William Apes, Angels and Victorians: A Joint Biography of Darwin and Huxley £8.50
Remove NSBK-C15487 International Labour Office, The War and Women's Employment: The Experience of the United Kingdom and the United States £52.95
Remove NSBK-A4851 Stewart, Alexander P. & Jenkins, Edward The Medical and Legal Aspects of Sanitary Reform: £13.00
Remove NSBK-A13263 Phares, Ross Bible in Pocket Gun in Hand: The Story of Frontier Religion £8.00
Remove NSBK-A6829 Lister, Eric & Williams, Sheldon Twentieth Century British Naive and Primitive Artists: £11.00
Remove NSBK-C6905 Smith, Joan Femmes de Siecle: Stories from the '90s: Women Writing at the End of Two Centuries £6.00
Remove NSBK-A12913 Grant, Cecil and Hodgson, Norman The Case for Co-Education: £8.50
Remove NSBK-C12345 Riley, Glenda Inventing the American Woman: A Perspective on American Women's History £7.00
Remove NSBK-C15465 Butler, Josephine E Truth Before Everything: £40.00
Remove NSBK-B13812 Mintz, Jerome R Carnival Song and Society: Gossip, Sexuality and Creativity in Andalusia £12.00
Remove NSBK-C2373 Barrow, Margaret Women, 1870-1928: A Select Guide to Printed and Archival Sources in the United Kingdom £4.00
Remove NSBK-C4097 Bott, Alan & Clephane, Irene, eds Our Mothers: a Calvacade in Pictures, Quotation and Description of Late Victorian Women, 1870-1900 £8.00
Remove NSBK-A13850 Eden, Frederic Morton The State of the Poor: or, an History of the Labouring Classes in England from the Conquest to the Present Period £72.00
Remove NSBK-A5628 Evans, W. Gareth Educational Development in a Victorian Community: A Case Study of Camarthenshire's Response to the Welsh Intermediate Education Act, 1889 £6.00
Remove NSBK-A7642 Loades, D.M Politics and the Nation, 1450 - 1660: Obedience, Resistance and Public Order £3.00
Remove NSBK-A13852 Jenkins, J. Geraint The English Farm Wagon: Origins and Structure £9.00
Remove NSBK-A337 Obelkevich, Jim; Roper, Lyndal; & Samuel, R., eds Disciplines of Faith: Studies in Religion, Politics and Patriarchy £6.99
Remove NSBK-A13882 Barnes, H. Gorell and Montmorency, J. E. G. de The Divorce Commission: The Majority and Minority Reports Summarised, with Appendices on the History of Divorce; Foreign and Colonial Divorce Laws; Proposed Divorce Circuits in England and Wales; Names of Women after Divorce £32.00
Remove NSBK-A15489 Allen, Graham The Last Prime Minister: Being Honest About the UK Presidency £8.00
Remove NSBK-A12557 Hynes, Samuel Edwardian Occasions: Essays on English Writing in the Early Twentieth Century £10.00
Remove NSBK-A10538 Rights of Women Lesbian Custody Group, Lesbian Mothers' Legal Handbook: £4.00
Remove NSBK-A13116 Mayhew, Henry The Morning Chronicle Survey of Labour and the Poor: The Metropolitan Districts. Volume 3 £19.95
Remove NSBK-A13968 Victorian Ministry for the Arts, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia The Visual Arts in Victoria: a Survey £18.00
Remove NSBK-A5101 HMSO, Suggestions for the Guidance of the Clergy: Relative to the Duties Imposed Upon Them By the Marriage and Registration Acts £7.00
Remove NSBK-A5503 Butler, Josephine E The Education and Employment of Women: £8.99
Remove NSBK-A13115 Mayhew, Henry The Morning Chronicle Survey of Labour and the Poor: The Metropolitan Districts. Volume 2 £19.95
Remove NSBK-C2050 Manvell, Roger The Trial of Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh: £6.00
Remove NSBK-C1523 Mellor, Edna Education Through Experience in the Infant School Years: £3.00
Remove NSBK-A4420 Fraser, Derek The Evolution of the British Welfare State: A History of Social Policy Since the Industrial Revolution £4.00
Remove NSBK-A13114 Mayhew, Henry The Morning Chronicle Survey of Labour and the Poor: The Metropolitan Districts. Volume 1 £19.95
Remove NSBK-A2261 Silver, Pamela & Harold The Education of the Poor: the History of a National School, 1824-1974 £7.00
Remove NSBK-A13586 Speed, P.F Police and Prisons: £7.00
Remove NSBK-C3110 McHugh, Paul Prostitution and Victorian Social Reform: £38.95
Remove NSBK-A13457 Swift, Roger, ed Victorian Chester: Essays in Social History, 1830-1900 £16.50
Remove NSBK-A12681 Wilson, John G The British Isles: Certificate Geography £7.00
Remove NSBK-A7558 Walvin, James English Urban Life, 1776-1851: £8.99
Remove NSBK-A5210 Brereton, J.M The British Soldier: a Social History from 1661 to the Present Day £8.00
Remove NSBK-C8045 Trudgill, Eric Madonnas and Magdalens: The Origins and Development of Victorian Sexual Attitudes £10.00
Remove NSBK-A14043 Theakstone, John Victorian & Edwardian Women Travellers: A Bibliography of Books Published in English £70.00
Remove NSBK-A12701 Loane, M The Queen's Poor: Life As They Find it in Town in Country £7.00
Remove NSBK-D15439 Spongberg, Mary Feminizing Venereal Disease: The Body of the Prostitute in Nineteenth-Century Medical Discourse £29.99
Remove NSBK-C15289 Atkinson, Diane The Criminal Conversation of Mrs Norton: £11.00
Remove NSBK-C2419 Cott, Nancy F.; Boydston, J.; Braude, A., eds Root of Bitterness: Documents of the Social History of American Women £7.00
Remove NSBK-A10322 Bradley, James, ed Newman, 1845-1852: The Honeymoon Years: An Anthology £6.50
Remove NSBK-A12969 Askwith, Betty Two Victorian Families: £4.00
Remove NSBK-A6256 Blackmore, Stanley Reflections of a Country Magistrate: £4.00
Remove NSBK-C6502 Butler, Josephine E Truth Before Everything: £8.99
Remove NSBK-C7951 Halford, Alison No Way Up the Greasy Pole: £9.00
Remove NSBK-C13723 Suffragettes, DVD format The Suffragettes: the Story of Emmeline Pankhurst £10.99
Remove NSBK-A6598 Peabody, Francis Greenwood Education for Life: The Story of Hampton Institute £9.00
Remove NSBK-A15085 Chinn, Carl They Worked All Their Lives: Women of the Urban Poor in England, 1880-1939 £10.00
Remove NSBK-C14610 McCormick, Leanne Regulating Sexuality: Women in Twentieth-century Northern Ireland £25.00
Remove NSBK-A3685 Hall, Lesley A Hidden Anxieties: Male Sexuality, 1900 - 1950 £32.00
Remove NSBK-A11432 Fabian Society, Why Life Chances Matter: The Interim Report of the Fabian Commission on Life Chances and Child Poverty £4.00
Remove NSBK-A1652 Madge, Charles & Willmott, Peter Inner City Poverty in Paris and London: £2.50
Remove NSBK-C6011 Smart, Carol, ed Regulating Womanhood: Historical Essays on Marriage, Motherhood and Sexuality £11.99
Remove NSBK-A11126 Lukins, A. H. and Russell, D.A., eds The Book of Westland Aircraft: £15.00
Remove NSBK-A15064 Maunder, P The Bread Industry in the United Kingdom: a Study in Market Structure Conduct and Performance Analysis £17.00
Remove NSBK-A12995 Kent, Graeme Poverty: £6.00
Remove NSBK-A13378 Clark, David Battlefield Walks North: £5.00
Remove NSBK-A8095 Kay, Joseph The Social Condition and Education of the People in England and Europe: Shewing the Results of the Primary Schools, and of the Division of Landed Property, in Foreign Countries £10.00
Remove NSBK-A1037 Walker-Smith, Derek The Protectionist Case in the 1840s: £7.00
Remove NSBK-C7548 Black, Clementina A New Way of Housekeeping: £7.50
Remove NSBK-C7234 Wojtczak, Helena Women of Victorian Sussex: their Status, Occupations,and Dealings With The Law, 1830-1870 £9.00
Remove NSBK-C11099 Dean, K. A., Conteh-Morgan M. and Bracken J.K The Undergraduate Companion to Women Writers and their Websites: £6.99
Remove NSBK-C6755 Elwes, Richard First Poems: £7.00
Remove NSBK-A2534 Cole, John Conflict and Cooperation: Rochdale and the Pioneering Spirit, 1790-1844 £6.00
Remove NSBK-C12395 Spender, Dale and Todd, Janet Anthology of British Women Writers: £12.00
Remove NSBK-C1298 Hall, Radclyffe The Well of Loneliness: £6.00
Remove NSBK-C15499 West Yorkshire Homeworking Group, A Penny A Bag: Campaigning on Homework £14.00
Remove NSBK-C349 Aikin, Dr, & Barbauld, Mrs Evenings at Home: Consisting of a Variety of Miscellaneous Pieces, for the Instruction and Amusement of Youth £5.00
Remove NSBK-A14994 Soulsby, Lucy H. M The Use of Leisure: I. Some Thoughts on the Education of Girls. II. Our Duty to Our Neighbour £22.00
Remove NSBK-A13754 Beamont, William Annals of the Lords of Warrington and Bewsey from 1587 to 1833: When Warrington Became a Parliamentary Borough. In Two Parts. Part I: Warrington. Part II: Bewsey. With Notices of Historical and Local Events £35.00
Remove NSBK-C13731 Stodart, M. A Female Writers: Thoughts on their Proper Sphere and on Their Powers of Usefulness £29.00
Remove NSBK-A9401 Harris, C.C The Family and Industrial Society: £4.00
Remove NSBK-C2376 Schleiner, Louise Tudor and Stuart Women Writers: £9.00
Remove NSBK-A2445 Hamilton, Janet Poems, Sketches & Essays: £36.00
Remove NSBK-A13980 Vigne, Thea, ed Oral History: the Journal of the Oral History Society. Family History Issue £9.00
Remove NSBK-C15561 Lanser, Susan Sniader Fictions of Authority: Women Writers and Narrative Voice £13.00
Remove NSBK-A13010 Kingston, William H.G The Adventures of Dick Onslow: Among the Red Indians £13.00
Remove NSBK-A8395 Rosen, Ruth & Davidson, Sue, eds The Maimie Papers: £5.00
Remove NSBK-A8671 Whelan, Robert, ed. (Octavia Hill) Octavia Hill's Letters to Fellow-Workers, 1872 - 1911: Together with an Account of the Walmer Street Industrial Experiment £14.00
Remove NSBK-C4003 Todd, Janet, ed A Dictionary of British and American Women Writers, 1660-1800: £6.50
Remove NSBK-C6392 Sutherland, John Mrs Humphry Ward: Eminent Victorian, Pre-eminent Edwardian £12.00
Remove NSBK-A14121 Williams, Peter and Hayes, Janice, eds Warrington as it Was: £8.99
Remove NSBK-A9514 Davie, Donald Selected Poems: £5.00
Remove NSBK-Z14726 Home, Gordon Yorkshire Water-colours: £18.00
Remove NSBK-A3746 Mehl, Roger The Sociology of Protestantism: £5.00
Remove NSBK-C2442 Lofthouse, W.F The Family and the State: £4.00
Remove NSBK-C12317 Sander, Kathleen Waters The Business of Charity: The Woman's Exchange Movement, 1832-1900 £9.00
Remove NSBK-A10610 Firth, Gary Victorian Yorkshire at Play: A Pictorial History of Yorkshire Sport and Pastimes £5.00
Remove NSBK-A14177 Symes, Ruth A Stories from Your Family Tree: Researching Ancestors within Living Memory £14.99
Remove NSBK-A8154 Krans, Horation Sheafe William Butler Yeats and the Irish Literary Revival: £12.00
Remove NSBK-C2391 Morgan, D.H.J Social Theory and the Family: £9.00
Remove NSBK-A5332 Mee, Graham Aristocratic Enterprise: The Fitzwilliam Industrial Undertakings, 1795-1857 £6.50
Remove NSBK-C13227 Hobhouse, Emily The Brunt of War and Where it Fell: £25.95
Remove NSBK-C15619 Innes, C. L Woman and Nation in Irish Literature and Society, 1880 - 1935: £18.00
Remove NSBK-C3440 Schreiner, Olive The Story of an African Farm: £10.00
Remove NSBK-A9168 Thompson, Francis The Poems of Francis Thompson: £9.00
Remove NSBK-A10700 Earle, Alice Morse The Sabbath in Puritan New England: £9.00
Remove NSBK-A7427 Lincoln, E. F The Heritage of Yorkshire: £6.00
Remove NSBK-C1415 Ferrier, Susan Marriage: £7.00
Remove NSBK-C6503 Aiken, Lucy Epistles on Women: Exemplifying Their Character and Condition in Various Ages and Nations, With Miscellaneous Poems £7.00
Remove NSBK-A2320 Walton, John K. & Walvin, James, eds Leisure in Britain, 1780-1939: £32.00
Remove NSBK-A15730 Foot, M. R. D SOE: The Special Operations Executive, 1940 - 1946 £17.00

Subtotal - £1919.05

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