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Order No. Author Short Title Price (UK£)
Remove NSBK-A5959 Hutchinson, T. W Economics and Economic Policy in Britain, 1946-1966: Some Aspects of their Inter-relations £15.00
Remove NSBK-C12430 Addis, E., Russo, V. E. and Sebesta, L Women Soldiers: Images and Realities £7.00
Remove NSBK-A12877 Hetherington, H The Poor Man's Guardian, 1831 - 1835: Vol 3 £40.00
Remove NSBK-A11482 Floud, Roderick and McCloskey, Donald The Economic History of Britain Since 1700: £6.99
Remove NSBK-C11926 Moynihan, Ruth Barnes, Russett, C. & Crumpacker, L Second to None: A Documentary History of American Women: Volume II: From 1865 to the Present £7.00
Remove NSBK-C15589 Todd, Janet Gender, Art and Death: £4.00
Remove NSBK-A13115 Mayhew, Henry The Morning Chronicle Survey of Labour and the Poor: The Metropolitan Districts. Volume 2 £19.95
Remove NSBK-A12701 Loane, M The Queen's Poor: Life As They Find it in Town in Country £7.00
Remove NSBK-C9425 Tomalin, Claire The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft: £4.25
Remove NSBK-A9522 Moran, Michael The Politics of Industrial Relations: The Origins, Life and Death of the 1971 Industrial Relations Act £17.00
Remove NSBK-C12317 Sander, Kathleen Waters The Business of Charity: The Woman's Exchange Movement, 1832-1900 £9.00
Remove NSBK-C10890 Sancton, Thomas and MacLeod, Scott Death of a Princess: £5.00
Remove NSBK-C6175 Scharff, Virginia Twenty Thousand Roads: Women, Movement and the West £10.00
Remove NSBK-A5076 Gorer, Richard The Flower Garden in England: £4.00
Remove NSBK-A15705 Whelan, Robert Helping the Poor: Friendly Visiting, Dole Charities and Dole Queues £8.00
Remove NSBK-A11162 Ketchum, Liza The Gold Rush: £8.00
Remove NSBK-A10893 Hill, C. P British Economic and Social History, 1700-1975: £4.50
Remove NSBK-A12536 Daniel, Cletus Bitter Harvest: A History of California Farmworkers, 1870-1941 £17.00
Remove NSBK-A3333 Pollard, Sidney, and Holmes, Colin, eds Documents of European Economic History: Vol 2, Industrial Power and National Rivalry, 1870-1914 £8.00
Remove NSBK-B1991 Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy Love, Death and Money in the Pays d'Oc: £8.00
Remove NSBK-A15405 Hotson, J. Leslie The Death of Christopher Marlowe: £38.00
Remove NSBK-A12362 Hartford, William F Where is Our Responsibility?: Unions and Economic Change in the New England Textile Industry, 1870-1960 £7.00
Remove NSBK-A13395 Uyeda, Teijiro Japanese Economic History, 1930 - 1960: The Small Industries of Japan: Their Growth and Development. Volume X £45.00
Remove NSBK-A12786 Rosenblatt, Frank F The Chartist Movement: In Its Social and Economic Aspects £13.00
Remove NSBK-J14604 Weir, Alison Elizabeth the Queen: £12.00
Remove NSBK-C15750 Poor Law Commissioners, Reports of Special Assistant Poor Law Commissioners: on the Employment of Women and Children in Agriculture, 1843 £28.95
Remove NSBK-A12273 Moynihan, Ruth B., Russett, C., & Crumpacker, L Second to None: A Documentary History of American Women. Volume I: From the 16th Century to 1865 £5.00
Remove NSBK-C15514 Ogden, Annegret S. Ogden The Great American Housewife: From helpmate to wage earner, 1776-1986 £28.00
Remove NSBK-A14362 Stanko, Elizabeth A Intimate Intrusions: Women's Experience of Male Violence £9.00
Remove NSBK-C14552 France, Anatole On Life and Letters: £8.00
Remove NSBK-A4939 Berg, Maxine, ed Technology and Toil in Nineteenth Century Britain: Documents £7.00
Remove NSBK-A12012 Hyndman, H. M The Evolution of Revolution: £10.00
Remove NSBK-C15760 Cockburn, Cynthia and Dilic, R. F Bringing Technology Home: Gender and Technology in a Changing Europe £11.99
Remove NSBK-A14399 Arnold-Forster, Frances Studies in Church Dedications: or England's Patron Saints £28.00
Remove NSBK-C757 Thwaite, Ann Waiting for the Party: the Life of Frances Hodgson Burnett, 1849-1924 £4.00
Remove NSBK-A8342 Styler, W. E Adult Education and Political Systems: £10.90
Remove NSBK-A15163 Lorraine, Jacques The Germans in France: £20.00
Remove NSBK-C3995 Young, James D Women and Popular Struggles: A History of Scottish and English Working-Class Women, 1500-1984 £10.00
Remove NSBK-A6455 Mickiewicz, Ellen Propper Soviet Political Schools: The Communist Party Adult Instruction System £9.00
Remove NSBK-C15776 Porter, David, ed Between Men and Feminism: £9.50
Remove NSBK-A14391 Arnold-Forster, Frances Studies in Church Dedications or England's Patron Saints: £28.00
Remove NSBK-C1296 Scheinfeld, Amram Women and Men: £5.00
Remove NSBK-A13725 Gilman, Charlotte Perkins The Man-Made World: or, Our Androcentric Culture £80.00
Remove NSBK-A14750 Whyte, Judith Girls into Science and Technology: £8.00
Remove NSBK-C15572 Bruley, Susan Leninism, Stalinism, and the Women's Movement in Britain,1920 - 1939: £42.00
Remove NSBK-A10394 Williams, Gwyn A Artisans and Sans-Culottes: Popular Movements in France and Britain During the French Revolution £6.00
Remove NSBK-A14998 Lagroye, Jacques and Wright, Vincent, eds Local Government in Britain and France: Problems and Prospects £8.00
Remove NSBK-C4152 Roberts, Elizabeth A Woman's Place: an Oral History of Working-Class Women, 1890-1940 £13.99
Remove NSBK-A12556 Jackson, Brian Working Class Community: Some General Notions Raised by a Series of Studies in Northern England £9.00
Remove NSBK-A14095 Kelly, Alison, ed Science for Girls?: £24.00
Remove NSBK-C5115 Ridley, Annie E Frances Mary Buss and her Work for Education: £40.00
Remove NSBK-A6816 Sazonova, K Andrei Mylnikov: £23.00
Remove NSBK-A5874 Ranelagh, John CIA: A History £4.00
Remove NSBK-A14589 Frolich, Paul Rosa Luxemburg: £5.00
Remove NSBK-C9769 The Times, China's Three Thousand Years: The Story of a Great Civilization £4.00
Remove NSBK-A5961 Minta, Stephen Love Poetry in Sixteenth Century France: A Study in Themes and Traditions £6.00
Remove NSBK-A10473 Corrigan, Paul Schooling the Smash Street Kids: £6.00
Remove NSBK-C2376 Schleiner, Louise Tudor and Stuart Women Writers: £9.00
Remove NSBK-A14657 Witts, Florence Frances E. Willard: the Story of a Noble Woman £7.00
Remove NSBK-A14327 Duby, Georges The Knight, the Lady and the Priest: The Making of Modern Marriage in Medieval France £8.99
Remove NSBK-C7793 Dawley, Alan Class and Community: The Industrial Revolution in Lynn £7.00
Remove NSBK-A5960 Kekewich, Margaret Lucille Princes and Peoples: France and the British Isles, 1620-1714. An Anthology of Primary Sources £5.00
Remove NSBK-A14353 Goodman, Anthony The New Monarchy: England, 1471 - 1534 £8.00
Remove NSBK-A6867 Hollett, David The Pioneer Ramblers, 1850 - 1940: £9.00
Remove NSBK-A15276 Perry, Matt Prisoners of Want: The Experience and Protest of the Unemployed in France, 1931-45 (Studies in Labour History) £35.00
Remove NSBK-A7642 Loades, D.M Politics and the Nation, 1450 - 1660: Obedience, Resistance and Public Order £3.00
Remove NSBK-A7025 Carey, Frances and Griffiths, Anthony From Manet to Toulouse-Lautrec: French Lithographs 1860-1900 £6.00
Remove NSBK-A12551 Coates, Ken and Topham, Anthony Industrial Democracy in Great Britain: A Book of Readings and Witnesses for Workers Control £9.99
Remove NSBK-C6760 Proud, E. Dorothea Welfare Work: Employers' Experiments for Improving Working Conditions in Factories £19.50

Subtotal - £963.50

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