HELP - Frequently Asked Questions About Naomi Symes Books
How do I search for books?
To search for the book(s) you require, simply type one or more keywords into the box above (separated by a space or a comma) and click "go". Keywords may be the author's name, title words, ISBN or general subject words eg. Victorian, socialism, labour, women writers, Ireland, North West England, education, housing, philanthropy, medieval, eighteenth century, witchcraft, France, motherhood, religion, Edwardian, London, First World War, rural, autobiographies.
When entering keywords, it may prove fruitful to think laterally and try a variety of words which have the same or similar meanings. For example, when searching for nineteenth century, try as alternatives, Regency, Georgian, Victorian, British Empire, Romantic, industrial, etc. For Poor Law, try poverty, poor, pauper or pauperism. For suffragettes, try suffrage, women's movement, Votes for Women, women and politics, suffragists. For United States, try American, America, United States of America, USA. Think of plurals instead of singulars, and vice versa, as this will produce a different, but no less relevant, set of results.
How do I order a book?
After successfully locating the book(s), you can place each one into your basket by clicking on the link "Add this book to my basket". Once the books are in your basket, you can easily return to where you were by clicking the link "Return to search". If at any time you wish to delete any title(s), just click "Remove" to the left of each book in the basket. Each time you add or remove a book, the subtotal is calculated automatically. To complete your order, simply click the "Checkout" link to proceed to the delivery and payment screens. Delivery costs are extra, and a range of delivery prices and speeds (worldwide) are offered at the Checkout. Please ensure that you enter your address and payment information as fully and as accurately as possible to minimise processing errors. Once you're happy with your order details, hit the "Submit" button to send the order to us securely. We do not store any credit / debit card details on our server for security reasons, and all data is submitted via universally accepted, secure encryption techniques. At the point of submitting your order, the books will be reserved automatically and you'll receive an immediate email confirming the full details. Your order will be dispatched as quickly as possible and you'll be informed of this in a second email.
How many different ways can I pay?
We accept payments by Visa, Mastercard, Switch / Maestro, American Express, Diners Club International, Eurocard, Solo and JCB. Our automatic ordering system is secure (SSL) for credit/debit card transactions and fully-automated with shopping basket facilities.
We're also happy to accept your payment by sterling cheque, US dollar cheque or cheque in Euros, made payable to Naomi Symes Books, or through Paypal. If you wish to follow any of these methods, please email us at reservations@naomisymes.com ,stating which book(s) you'd like to order (authors, titles & order numbers) and your geographic location. We'll then send you a pro forma invoice, and reserve the books for you pending receipt of payment. If you'd prefer to initiate an electronic bank-to-bank transfer, simply let us know the currency in which you wish to pay when you email us, and we'll provide our full bank details with the pro forma invoice. We operate bank accounts in sterling, US dollars and Euros.
If you're a library or an institution, or an established customer known to Naomi Symes Books, please take advantage of the payment options offered at page 3 of the Checkout, ie: "This is an institutional order and we wish to pay by invoice on receipt of the books"; OR "I am a regular customer and pay by invoice on receipt of the books".
We automatically include a fully-itemised paper invoice / receipt with your book(s).
But what if I still don't want to submit my credit / debit card details over the internet?
Please feel free to phone or fax us instead on: +44 (0)1925 602898. If you'd prefer to pay by sterling cheque, US dollar cheque, cheque in Euros or by Paypal, simply email us at reservations@naomisymes.com, stating which book(s) you'd like to order (authors, titles & order numbers) and your geographic location. We'll then send you a pro forma invoice, and reserve the books for you pending receipt of payment. If you'd like to initiate an electronic bank-to-bank transfer instead, please let us know the currency in which you wish to pay when you email us, and we'll provide our full bank details with the pro forma invoice. We operate bank accounts in sterling, US dollars and Euros.
If you're a library or an institution, or an established customer known to Naomi Symes Books, please take advantage of the payment options offered at page 3 of the Checkout, ie: "This is an institutional order and we wish to pay by invoice on receipt of the books"; OR "I am a regular customer and pay by invoice on receipt of the books".
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